What should I do if I have not received my insurance documents after applying?

Andreas Schulz
Andreas Schulz
  • Updated

Have you applied for insurance with MAWISTA but haven’t received your documents yet? Here’s what might be causing the delay and how you can proceed.

Policyholders with short-term insurance (Reisecare, Visum)

For short-term insurance, the documents are sent directly via email after the application is submitted, provided that the email address entered is correct.

Please check the following:

  • Is your email address entered correctly?
  • Have you checked your spam folder?

Incorrect email address?
If you entered an incorrect email address, please send us a message with the correct address at:

Policyholders with long-term insurance (Expatcare, Student)

For long-term insurance, your application will be reviewed within two business days.

No documents after 3-4 days?
If you haven’t received your documents after 3-4 days (including the review process), please send us an email at:

For applications submitted on Fridays or over the weekend, processing may take a little longer.


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