Which insurance can I choose as a job seeker after graduation?

Andreas Schulz
Andreas Schulz
  • Updated

If you are currently looking for a job, then you will find out what options are available to maintain your health insurance coverage in this article.

Existing MAWISTA student contracts

If you already have a MAWISTA Student contract, you can remain insured under your current plan for up to 18 months.

Insurance for new customers

As a job seeker, you can apply for up to 18 months of coverage under the MAWISTA Student Comfort plan.

Find more information and the insurance application here:
MAWISTA Health Insurance for Students

Switching to statutory health insurance (GKV)

Once you start a job subject to social security contributions and/or earn more than €556 per month, you are required to switch to statutory health insurance (GKV).

In this case, you can easily cancel your MAWISTA contract at the end of the month via the online cancellation form – at no additional cost.

We offer suitable health insurance options. Find more information and the insurance application here:

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